
The Nuderm System is by far the jewel in the crown when it comes to non-surigical technology. Encapsulating all the essential elements that are needed to offer you the most up to date non surgical procedure on the market today. Whether looking for a one off quick pick me up boost or a course of treatments you will see a noticeable change in appearance. Please book in for your free consultation.


Nuderm 6 in 1


Experience the ultimate in facial treatments combining: - Thermotherapy - Heats the skin, opens the pores and allows for better absorption of products. - Diamond Tip Microdermabrasion - Resurfacing of skin, targeting scaring, pigmentation and stimulates cell renewal. - Micro Current - Non-Surgical facelift to tighten muscles, tone skin and reduce signs of ageing. - Ultrasound - Plumps skin, assist in absorption of products such as collagen. - LED light therapy - Uses differing light waves, aids in various skin conditions including acne, sensitivity, ageing. Individual treatments also available. - Cryotherapy - Cools the skin, assists in skin tightening and repairing tissue damage. Course of 6 £400

Microdermabrasion Diamond Tip


Microdermabrasion exfoliates the superficial layers of the skin stimulating cell renewal. It helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and corrects abnormalities in the skin such as pigmentation and scarring. Used in combination with Ultrasound and LED light therapy for a tailored treatment and results. Course of 6 £200

Non-Surgical Facelift


Using a low level micro-current this treatment tones and firms the muscles, lifts jowls and eyebrows, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and stimulates circulation. Resulting in firmer and fresher looking skin. Course of 6 £200

LED Light Therapy


LED light therapy emits low level light into the skins’ epidermis stimulating protein renewal - the building blocks of our skin. - Blue light is anti-bacterial and is used for treatment and control of acne-treatment recommended 2-3 times per week. - Yellow light reduces wrinkles and rejuvenates skin by stimulating fibroblasts and reducing MMPs that breakdown and damage collagen. - Red light was developed and studied by NASA stimulates oxygen, blood flow and healing. Course of 6 £200

LED, Microdermabrasion, Non surgical facelifts, anti-ageing, beauty salons Cannock, wrinkle reductions, eye treatments, skin tightening